Get ready to go to the bank
GNDC has several loan program opportunities available for area entrepreneurs and business owners. Whether you are starting a brand new business and need startup assistance or already have an established business and just need some additional funds to expand, GNDC may be able to provide you with the confidential assistance and gap financing that you need.

Kelcie Bates
Director of Lending
Eligible Uses:
- Establish a new business
- Create or retain jobs
Buy, build, convert, expand, or repair a business or its facility, especially if jobs will be created or saved Buy equipment, machinery, or supplies, or make improvements - Cover eligible start-up costs and working capital Build hotels, motels, or convention services
- Clean up of contaminated properties
- Operation or expansion of meat and poultry processing
–Constructing a new facility Expanding an existing facility
-Developing, installing, or modernizing equipment and technology
Meet with us about loans and financing
Our experts will help you take the next step
USDA Rural Development
Intermediary Relending Program (IRP)
$2,250,000 revolving loan fund for loans to small businesses. Both the intermediary relending organization and their loan applicant must be unable to obtain financing elsewhere at reasonable rates and terms. The maximum loan to a business is 75% of the project cost, or $250,000, whichever is less.
Rural Microentrepreneur Assistance Program (RMAP)
RMAP funding may be used to provide fixed interest rate microloans to rural microentrepreneurs for startup and growing microenterprises. The purpose of the RMAP program is to support the development and ongoing success of rural microentrepreneurs and microenterprises. The maximum loan to a client is $50,000.
Meat and Poultry Intermediary Lending Program (MILP)
The Meat and Poultry Intermediary Lending Program (MPILP) provides financing for – the start-up, expansion, or operation of slaughter, or other processing of meat and poultry. The objective of the MPILP is to strengthen the financing capacity for independent meat processors, and to create a more resilient, diverse, and secure U.S. food supply chain.
Montana Department of Commerce
Community Development Block Grant Revolving Loan Funds (RLF)
$2.1 million RLF to provide gap financing to startup or expanding businesses in GNDC’s six-county region. Priority is given to private business projects, which will create or retain jobs for low to moderate income families. The maximum loan to a client is $200,000.
Micro Business Finance Program
Montana-based businesses with 10 or fewer employees and gross annual revenue of less than $1,000,000 can apply for a Micro Business loan up to $100,000 per client.
Community Development Financial Institutions Fund
The CDFI Program uses monetary awards and training opportunities to invest in and build the capacity of CDFIs, empowering them to grow, achieve organizational sustainability, and drive community revitalization.
$1.5 million hazardous substance and petroleum clean up RLF. Funds can be used for the remediation or cleanup of hazardous substance or petroleum.
$375,000 RLF for loans to small business. Both the intermediary relending organization and their loan applicants must be unable to obtain financing elsewhere at reasonable rates and terms. BOI loans can be used for the same purposed as the IRP loan. The maximum loan to a client is $50,000.